sunset 2011
2012 a New Year! As the sun sets on 2011, wow, what a year! Did you have amazing success? Did you experience discouraging failures? If your like most of us, you may have experienced some (or a lot) of both. We have found when life hands you lemons, you need to learn how to make lemonade, not just any lemonade, but the most unbeatable lemonade you or anyone else has ever tasted. Are you thinking right now, yeah... but you should see what happened... to me? We have also learned, that we all have a story and truth be told, most of us if we all threw our problems in a hat and picked someone else's problem.... we'd be scrambling to get ours back. Challenges happen to all of us, the difference is how we respond to them. So how do we really rise above it all? Stress caused from everything from the economy to health issues, and everything in between is very real, sometimes it may seem hopeless, but thats when we need to dig deep & maybe, just maybe turn or mess into our message.
How do we turn our mess into our message? Well first know that what you feed grows, what you don't starves. If we spend all our time worrying thinking of all the "what if the worst happens?" we can make it worse & we will make our health worse, instead try this...
1~ allow yourself 15 minutes of OMG what if, after that YOU'RE DONE, now think of all the blessings you have & the "What if the BEST happens?" sometimes the struggles that we go through become the very way we can inspire & help others, we don't always get the answers we want in our time.
2~ Now its time to do what you can about the situation, if its health issues, eat healthly & start to exercise, I promise you chocolate is Not worth dying for (ok dramatic, but you get the picture) if its financial, stop spending, do what you need to & Find a solution so you are not in THIS crummy situation again & better yet, find a solution that as you help yourself you can be helping others earn some extra money as well. Sound impossible? The only things impossible are the things you don't try. My husband & I did just this we weren't afraid to try something new, we took our frustration with our current situation & turned it into the fuel that pushes us further, we call this our "WHY". The best part is we grown in so many ways, we are teachable & we have been able to help many others make an extra $100 to $1000 a week and more.
In closing we'd like to say, anything IS possible, IF YOU BElIEVE it is. The old saying "if you believe you can or can't your right". What does it take to succeed? An open mind, being teachable, humble & willing to work, & really what is the BIG KEY... Consistency in 2012. Its not enough to want something, you need to write down your why... why do you want to do something? Trust me its easier than you think, decide IF you want more than what you have right now, and if you do, go for it, there are people, like my Jimmy & I that will lead and help you.
One last note~ very important one... ask yourself, "what do you feed your mind?" Negative or positive? We have chosen to not watch the news, not watch most tv in general, we feed our minds with books, books on cd, uplifting music, we surround ourself with positive people & we chose very carefully who we let speak into our lives.
Make 2012 YOUR year,
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