Monday, November 19, 2012

When Your College Kid comes home to visit

Wow She left a year & a half ago moved 2000 miles away to do college & wow did mom ever miss her... don't get to fly out to see her, or her fly or drive home very often due to the high cost of fuel & flying. SO when she is learn to table the other stuff so you can just visit, hang out, or do nothing at all, as long as she is near. The nights become more peaceful, when all your kids are under one roof.... your heart doesn't ache, form missing her or not being able to help her.... cause she is home, its an honor to cook & care for her.... to hang out with her... all those times I get to chill out & hang with my boys are so awesome (they r still at home) but with my daughter I just have less time to do it...

And on another note.. it is refreshing to have the littlest things appreciated, by the poor starving college kid... every lil thing...

Off to sit in hot tub with her & enjoy some family time!

Enjoy the moments... they are all we have.



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