Support your favorite small business

This November 24th is Small Business Saturday®, a day to celebrate and support
the local small businesses that boost the economy and invigorate neighborhoods
across the country.
Catherine Reese Fine Art Photography is proud to take part in Small Business Saturday, and we’re encouraging
everyone to Shop Small® here on November 24th.
Plus, we’re having a special Small Business Saturday offer! Email, Message us on Facebook in on November 24th
and you can get in on:
PHOTO CLASS starting in January for those with any kind of camera from iphone to the nice cameras out there~
Taught by award winning photographer.. Catherine Reese, she'll share tips & tricks in terms you can take home
& start using after this class!
*Learn how to get more out of your camera (make it do what you want)
& start using after this class!
*Learn how to get more out of your camera (make it do what you want)
*Learn how to use manual to improve your photos
*Learn what to do with the photos AFTER you take them.... (yep get them off your computer before it so
many horror stories I've heard!)~ This alone is a reason to take the class, save all those memories.
*Bring your camera for some hands on FUN!
You'll leave with some gifts just for showing up~ (worth more than the price of the class)
Everyone that shows up will be entered in a special drawing to WIN a session with Catherine Reese
This 3 hour class will include all of the above for only $99. per person.
To thank you for shopping local... Starting BLACK FRIDAY 11/23/12 thru Saturday November 24th at midnight Pacific Time you can Purchase 2 tickets for the price of 1, yep BUY 1, GET ONE COMPLEMENTARY!!
A perfect gift for YOURSELF (your family benefits from preserved memories)
NOT LOCAL~ BUT WANT THIS? WITH AS FEW AS 10 People I WILL COME TO YOUR AREA, YOU HOST IT AT YOUR HOME & I'll TEACH IT... (this is for Northern California, interested in a class further away, lets talk...)
OK what are you waiting for?
REMEMBER~ We Accept Credit Cards, cash & checks
WAYS TO REACH Catherine Reese Fine Art Photography
FACEBOOK to PM me, you can
call the Studio at 707.275.9705 & leave a message
WAYS TO REACH Catherine Reese Fine Art Photography
FACEBOOK to PM me, you can
call the Studio at 707.275.9705 & leave a message
Most importantly, get out there, Shop Small, and let’s make this November 24th
the biggest day of the year for small business.
Cheers my friends,
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