Whatever your new year holds, hopefully your feeling hopeful for the desired results & excited about new beginnings...
I'm excited to share with you, that this year I will be teaching! I have done workshops for professional photographers, which I am excited to say I will be putting a few on the calendar for 2013, AND for the 1st time, I will be teaching a Photo Class "Girls Night Out with your Camera!!" (yes guys are welcome too).
I am passionate about this because if we don't do SOMETHING... we are going to have an entire generation of people with NO PHOTOS, no history, no visual memories... cause in this digital age,
we all take photos &, they live on our computer, in our camera or in our phone, until.... something fails & we loose them all, does this sound familiar? Well it does to me cause I hear the stories over & over again & it makes me sad... do you wish you had more photos of you as a kid? I do.
What you'll learn:
1- How to use your camera better, how to use manual Get your camera to do what YOU want it to!
2- Creative tips that will make a huge difference in your photos, by just giving you new things to
think about when your photographing.
3- THE BIG ONE.... What to do AFTER you take the photos....Photo storage, photo books, where
to start.
4- This is a hands on fun approach, yes there are a million books & such out there, but most of us
learn better with a hands on approach. This will be simple, easy to follow & easy repeat after you
***Why take this class??****
*Cause you'll have fun... learn to use your camera,
no fancy camera, just your iphone or android, no problem, I have tips for those too!!
**Preserve your memories & photos, keep them safe & have them to enjoy for generations!
***Handouts will come with the class so you can spend your time learning, not note taking,
****All you need is One three hour class & your on your way.
*****If you'd like additional learning, simply sign up for our online 1x monthly info in your
email box with tutorials, assignments & inspiration & more fun.
******A GOODIE BAG FOR each Attendee worth more than the cost of the class!!!
Also Drawing held to WIN a FREE photo Session with Catherine Reese Fine Art Photography
This 3 hour class, the goodie bag & being in the drawing to possibly win a photo session or other goodies is all for only $99.00. Heres to Making memories & having them to look back on in the from of great photos!!
BEST PART-> -> Not in my area? I can & will come to you, you can host the class at your home (you attend for free that way) & depending on how far you live I will come to you, gather your friends at your house & I will bring everything!!! Ask me for more details if this sound perfect! (good locally or a distance, call for details)
email me or call the studio at 707-275-9705 to get more info or sign up.
Cheers to 2013!!
What you Focus on Develops...
Real life happens to us all, its how we choose to respond to it that defines us, hoping to inspire & uplift you as I share about life, Catherine Reese Photography Studio & workshops~encouraging each of us to Always have a dream & reach for it!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Support Your Favorite Small Business
Support your favorite small business

This November 24th is Small Business Saturday®, a day to celebrate and support
the local small businesses that boost the economy and invigorate neighborhoods
across the country.
Catherine Reese Fine Art Photography is proud to take part in Small Business Saturday, and we’re encouraging
everyone to Shop Small® here on November 24th.
Plus, we’re having a special Small Business Saturday offer! Email, Message us on Facebook in on November 24th
and you can get in on:
PHOTO CLASS starting in January for those with any kind of camera from iphone to the nice cameras out there~
Taught by award winning photographer.. Catherine Reese, she'll share tips & tricks in terms you can take home
& start using after this class!
*Learn how to get more out of your camera (make it do what you want)
& start using after this class!
*Learn how to get more out of your camera (make it do what you want)
*Learn how to use manual to improve your photos
*Learn what to do with the photos AFTER you take them.... (yep get them off your computer before it crashes...like so
many horror stories I've heard!)~ This alone is a reason to take the class, save all those memories.
*Bring your camera for some hands on FUN!
You'll leave with some gifts just for showing up~ (worth more than the price of the class)
Everyone that shows up will be entered in a special drawing to WIN a session with Catherine Reese
This 3 hour class will include all of the above for only $99. per person.
To thank you for shopping local... Starting BLACK FRIDAY 11/23/12 thru Saturday November 24th at midnight Pacific Time you can Purchase 2 tickets for the price of 1, yep BUY 1, GET ONE COMPLEMENTARY!!
A perfect gift for YOURSELF (your family benefits from preserved memories)
NOT LOCAL~ BUT WANT THIS? WITH AS FEW AS 10 People I WILL COME TO YOUR AREA, YOU HOST IT AT YOUR HOME & I'll TEACH IT... (this is for Northern California, interested in a class further away, lets talk...)
OK what are you waiting for?
REMEMBER~ We Accept Credit Cards, cash & checks
WAYS TO REACH Catherine Reese Fine Art Photography
FACEBOOK to PM me, you can
call the Studio at 707.275.9705 & leave a message
WAYS TO REACH Catherine Reese Fine Art Photography
FACEBOOK to PM me, you can
call the Studio at 707.275.9705 & leave a message
Most importantly, get out there, Shop Small, and let’s make this November 24th
the biggest day of the year for small business.
Cheers my friends,
Monday, November 19, 2012
This Year Enjoy your holidays...
This year give the gift that people cherish for years...
How would it feel to NOT stress over holiday gift giving?
breath... thats right, it'd feel great, you could just relax,
decorate, bake, enjoy holiday parties....enjoy your family.
I am here to truly make it easy for you.
Call the studio today to see how simple it can be.
Heres hoping your year is blessed beyond measure!
Cheers ~ Catherine Reese 707.275.9705
When Your College Kid comes home to visit
Wow She left a year & a half ago moved 2000 miles away to do college & wow did mom ever miss her... don't get to fly out to see her, or her fly or drive home very often due to the high cost of fuel & flying. SO when she is home...you learn to table the other stuff so you can just visit, hang out, or do nothing at all, as long as she is near. The nights become more peaceful, when all your kids are under one roof.... your heart doesn't ache, form missing her or not being able to help her.... cause she is home, its an honor to cook & care for her.... to hang out with her... all those times I get to chill out & hang with my boys are so awesome (they r still at home) but with my daughter I just have less time to do it...
And on another note.. it is refreshing to have the littlest things appreciated, by the poor starving college kid... every lil thing...
Off to sit in hot tub with her & enjoy some family time!
Enjoy the moments... they are all we have.
And on another note.. it is refreshing to have the littlest things appreciated, by the poor starving college kid... every lil thing...
Off to sit in hot tub with her & enjoy some family time!
Enjoy the moments... they are all we have.
Monday, December 26, 2011
As the Sun Sets on 2011

sunset 2011
2012 a New Year! As the sun sets on 2011, wow, what a year! Did you have amazing success? Did you experience discouraging failures? If your like most of us, you may have experienced some (or a lot) of both. We have found when life hands you lemons, you need to learn how to make lemonade, not just any lemonade, but the most unbeatable lemonade you or anyone else has ever tasted. Are you thinking right now, yeah... but you should see what happened... to me? We have also learned, that we all have a story and truth be told, most of us if we all threw our problems in a hat and picked someone else's problem.... we'd be scrambling to get ours back. Challenges happen to all of us, the difference is how we respond to them. So how do we really rise above it all? Stress caused from everything from the economy to health issues, and everything in between is very real, sometimes it may seem hopeless, but thats when we need to dig deep & maybe, just maybe turn or mess into our message.
How do we turn our mess into our message? Well first know that what you feed grows, what you don't starves. If we spend all our time worrying thinking of all the "what if the worst happens?" we can make it worse & we will make our health worse, instead try this...
1~ allow yourself 15 minutes of OMG what if, after that YOU'RE DONE, now think of all the blessings you have & the "What if the BEST happens?" sometimes the struggles that we go through become the very way we can inspire & help others, we don't always get the answers we want in our time.
2~ Now its time to do what you can about the situation, if its health issues, eat healthly & start to exercise, I promise you chocolate is Not worth dying for (ok dramatic, but you get the picture) if its financial, stop spending, do what you need to & Find a solution so you are not in THIS crummy situation again & better yet, find a solution that as you help yourself you can be helping others earn some extra money as well. Sound impossible? The only things impossible are the things you don't try. My husband & I did just this we weren't afraid to try something new, we took our frustration with our current situation & turned it into the fuel that pushes us further, we call this our "WHY". The best part is we grown in so many ways, we are teachable & we have been able to help many others make an extra $100 to $1000 a week and more.
In closing we'd like to say, anything IS possible, IF YOU BElIEVE it is. The old saying "if you believe you can or can't your right". What does it take to succeed? An open mind, being teachable, humble & willing to work, & really what is the BIG KEY... Consistency in 2012. Its not enough to want something, you need to write down your why... why do you want to do something? Trust me its easier than you think, decide IF you want more than what you have right now, and if you do, go for it, there are people, like my Jimmy & I that will lead and help you.
One last note~ very important one... ask yourself, "what do you feed your mind?" Negative or positive? We have chosen to not watch the news, not watch most tv in general, we feed our minds with books, books on cd, uplifting music, we surround ourself with positive people & we chose very carefully who we let speak into our lives.
Make 2012 YOUR year,
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Santa Paws
This special delivery was captured at Our Studio.... aren't they cute?? We love all babies... 2 legs or 4!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Fall Colors
Wow fall is so full of beautiful colors! Everywhere you look its reds & yellows, browns & greens. The skies seem a little bluer & those moody clouds are perfect when the sun sets & filters through them! Next time you are out & about, be sure to notice the beauty we have around us.
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